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Slovenčina Český jazyk English


May 2015


As usual, I am spending this rainy Sunday browsing, classifying and preparing my older photos in Photoshop for final use. Besides of Photoshop work, this also consists of writing tons of proper English titles, descriptions and keywords as these are required by worldwide stock photography agencies. It is really a challenge sometimes to write a good English text that tells of things seen on the picture in the descriptive way. Usually, it can even take much more time per photo than actual Photoshop work itself!


Anyway, because I am again in some kind of reminiscent mood today, here is one scenery from my photography set of "Reflective collections of Liptov 2007", I have taken during my time on the shores at the Liptovska Mara lake, in the late autumnal evening of already mentioned year.

It was a time right before the sundown, when the sun went almost down, so the water surface in combination with circular polarization filter placed in front of the lens, really acted like a flat mirror, reflecting back atmosphere of the dramatic blue sky accompanied by vast hillscapes from the distant countrysides.

In case you are interested in geographical facts, these dominant hills calmly reflected on the Mara's surface are called, from left to right, Pravnac, Lomne (Lomy), as well as rocky-formed reef of Cerenova. Recreational tourists also may know that the famous Prosiecka Valley can be seen partially visible on the rightmost side of this picture.

I have taken this image just a few kilometers from a small village of Bobrovnik located northwest of the Liptovsky Mikulas town. This area is seated in scenery of the Chocsky Mountains, a mountain range situated between the Great Fatra and the Western Tatras.

The Liptovska Mara is the second largest lake in Slovakia by area (27 km2 / 10 mi2) and it is a very popular holiday destination for travelers and fisherman from all around the world; especially for tourists from nearby Poland. This lake is located on the Vah river, between towns of Ruzomberok and Liptovsky Mikulas, northern Slovakia.

All the great possibilities of recreational enjoyment in the area surrounding Liptovska Mara are extended by vast amount of cottages, family pensions, restaurants and hotels. Nearby this lake there are also many thermal pools and resorts available, as well as one of the biggest aqua-parks in the Central Europe.

If you will be nearby be sure to stop there. This location has so much to offer, both for regular tourists looking for relax and recreation on the beach, as well as for photographers looking for some picturesque natural sceneries! ;)

So far 8 people commented this article!
farah godoy - (commented via Google+)
May 25, 2015 at 04:35 am
+Boris Jaroscak muy bello
Boris Jaroscak - (commented via Google+)
May 25, 2015 at 04:38 am
?Gracias +farah godoy!
Dagmar Flajsman - (commented via Google+)
May 27, 2015 at 06:06 am
"It was a time right before the sundown, when the sun went almost down, so the water surface in combination with circular polarization filter placed in front of the lens, really acted like a flat mirror, reflecting back atmosphere of the dramatic blue sky accompanied by vast hillscapes from the distant countrysides." Člověk nemusí ten obrázek ani vidět a má bravurní popis toho,cos vyfotil.Mohl bys být také spisovatelem...přemýšlej o tom :-)))
Boris Jaroscak - (commented via Google+)
May 27, 2015 at 07:01 am
Hehe! Vďaka +Dagmar Flajsman! Popremýšľam. :)))
Ewa Rudnicka - (commented via Google+)
June 13, 2015 at 05:06 pm
Piękne zdjęcie. Pięknie piszesz..
Boris Jaroscak - (commented via Google+)
June 13, 2015 at 11:17 pm
Dziękuję +Ewa Rudnicka! Cieszę się, że tak ci się podoba to co piszę. :)
Vladimír Vocelka - (commented via Google+)
June 19, 2015 at 03:08 am
Velmi hezká fotografie nádherné krajiny. Působivé je i pěkně zachycené zrcadlení hor a oblohy na hladině.
Boris Jaroscak - (commented via Google+)
June 19, 2015 at 03:29 am
Ďakujem +Vladimír Vocelka! Snažil som sa! :)

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