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Copyright Note: © JARESO (Boris Jaroscak) |

Description of this photo

Birdhouses have been around for quite a few centuries, and many people have used them to attract different types of birds to their yards. Birds offer peace of mind and are pleasant to watch. Most people enjoy birds, and this is why they add birdhouses to their yards. The birdhouse pictured is most likely one that was handmade, you can tell by looking at the details of the way the pieces were placed together. As you can see, the front of the birdhouse has one hole and a perch where the bird can stand to enter the house. On the sides of the birdhouse pictured you can see that there are more perches which indicate that this birdhouse has more entrances to it. Although the birdhouse pictured is made out of wood, birdhouses can be made out of a number of other different materials besides wood. Wood is just the most common material used. Other common materials used to make birdhouses are especially copper, ceramic, PVC and even stained glass. However wood is a common option chosen because it can be customized in various different ways and that’s why it is preferred by most people. Wood can be naturally painted, and it can blend in well with trees. Wood can withstand different weather conditions and it offers the best insulation during the cold weather for birds, unlike other materials that are used for birdhouses. Nowadays those who make birdhouses have gotten quite creative while doing so. Birdhouses come in various different sizes and shapes; not just the shape of a house itself, but also mountings and other parts are highly diversified, sometimes even bizarre. What is important to keep in mind is the holes size of the birdhouses that you are considering to build or buy. The reason you want to keep this in mind is because not all birds are the same size. You’ll want to make sure that the type of birds that live in your area will fit inside the door holes without any problems. Your best reward will be to see and hear happy birds living in their new house you prepared for them.

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Camera equipment used for capturing this photography

Camera: Olympus E-M5 (OM-D)

Adapter: Olympus MMF-2

Lens: Zuiko Digital ED 70-300mm/1:4.0-5.6 EZ-7030

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